
Saturday, February 26, 2011

So Stoked for Spring

Old Man Winter must have have really scorned Mother Nature this year. I don't know about you but I am ready for the Mockingbirds to conduct their Spring symphony. Yeah ,yeah, yeah, I know we Texans have it easier than most but it's all relative right, and this winter has been a dozy.

That being said, winter does usher in it's own slew of niceties. Wrapping your hands around the comfort of a warm mug ,staying in, and enjoying the simplicity of a fire place are some of my favorites.

The fireplace, presents a new design opportunity when Spring no longer requires it to provide comfort from the blustery days of winter. What to do with the caverns of an empty fire place? It can house candle's, architectural pieces,even a great wine rack.
Click on "So Stoked for Spring" to view the book. Enjoy!

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